Most people with coronavirus (COVID-19) feel better within a few weeks. You may be able to look after yourself at home while you recover.
While you're ill, ask a friend, family member or neighbour to check up on you. Arrange a regular call or talk through a doorway (not face to face) so they can check how you're doing. Click the image to go to the NHS COVID self care pages where you will find practical advice, links and what if information. |
We are supporting the University of Oxford with a COVID treatment trial. The following text is cut and paste from the trail recruitment team:
"COVID-19 has affected the lives of everybody within the UK and the rest of the world. Finding safe and effective treatments has been the drive of researchers at the University of Oxford and right now, you have an opportunity to help. PRINCIPLE is a national priority trial to find treatments for COVID-19. We are looking for volunteers aged 65 or over, OR aged between 50 and 64 with an underlying health condition. |
Current evidence suggests that up to 10% of otherwise well people suffer long lasting symptoms and struggle to get back to normal life after COVID infection. There are a number of resources for the unfortunate 10% who are unable to get back to normal life. One of the best is the Your Covid Recovery website.
The wonderful team at AccRx have kindly sped through a video consultation facility to help GP surgeries reduce the risk of consulting in person.
The consultation should work on your smart device's web browser. If you are struggling then please download the free Wherby App on your apple or android app store. You can also join a consultation on a PC if you have a webcam. If you are struggling visit this site for help. You will get a text message from your clinician with a unique link allowing you to join the consultation. |