One stop shop
You will be offered an appointment with our healthcare assist and who will take bloods, check your feet, do your blood pressure and weigh you. Foot Check If you wish to limit your time in the surgery please bring along your weight, blood pressure and foot check results using the Touch The Toes test. Watch the short video to see how. Remote review Your bloods will be viewed by one of the clinicians who will contact you. This will be done remotely in most cases - by text, phone or video. It will the exception not the norm to be seen in person. We will discuss the management of your diabetes, focussing on issues particular to your medical conditions. If you need generic diabetes advice that is not individualised to you - e.g. general diet and exercise advice - you will be directed to the Diabetes UK website. Can we take this opportunity to highlight the importance of getting control of your diabetes. Take exercise. Aim for a BMI of 20-25. Limit alcohol to 14 units a week, keep up to date with vaccines and finally, don't smoke! |
Being diagnosed with diabetes can be a bit of a shock for you and your relatives. There is often a great deal of information to take on board. No doubt you have heard lots of horror stories about the condition and its treatment. These may have been true 30years ago but the management of Diabetes has moved forward incredibly fast in the last decade. These days with a good commitment to lifestyle advice and medical therapy diabetes is very treatable, or sometimes even reversible. The key to good diabetic control is just that - taking control of your condition and engaging in diabetic reviews at the surgery.