Help With Health Costs
The NHS is not entirely free at the point of use - there are some costs. These include travel, prescriptions, glasses, dental care etc. Prescription charges were just 5 pence in 1952. They cost a lot more now!
There is help. The NHS choices site has an excellent summary page with a comprehensive list of help available. Our most common question about costs relates to prescription fees. Most people are exempt from prescription charges (around 9 in 10 people don't pay). There are lots of reasons why you might be exempt including age, pre-existing medical conditions, entitlement to state benefits etc. See the picture listing all the exemption categories A to S opposite. For those that have to pay it is worth considering a prepayment certificate. Using this method you can pay in advance for prescriptions at a flat rate. Every prescription from then on can be dispensed at no extra cost. If you have any questions about prescription changes please discuss them with your pharmacist. They are paid by the NHS to check that you are entitled to an exemption at the point of prescription issue. |